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What I Offer

Whether you need to develop strength, flexibility, balance or a calmer state of mind,  there is something for everybody in the practice of yoga.


Group Classes

My group classes take place in beautiful village halls and pavilions. They have a friendly atmosphere where everyone feels safe to try new things. The classes integrate yoga postures (asanas) and breath-work as part of my holistic technique.


All classes can also be joined live online via Zoom and if you miss a class you can access a recording to practice the class at a time that's convenient for you.


£10 per class, block booking half-termly

£12 per class pay-as-you-go



Small Studio Classes

These classes take place in my beautiful home studio in South Moreton and are smaller than my village hall classes. 


£12 per class, block booking half termly

£14 per class pay-as-you-go

Online Yoga

Om Demand

Om Demand is my online offering. Attending live zoom classes or following pre-recorded classes can work really well for those who are tight on time or need the flexibility to fit yoga around a busy schedule. Accessing my pre-recorded classes also allows you to choose a class that suits your needs on any specific day.


Signing up to Om Demand gives you:


Unlimited access to an ever expanding bank of pre-recorded classes, including both longer and shorter sessions, relaxations, visualisations and pranayama breathing techniques. 


£6 per week (online only)

£3 per week (online top-up for face to face class members)


Private Sessions

I offer private 1:1s, couples, small group classes and workshops in my gorgeous new home studio. This allows you to dive deeper into yoga practice or to work on a specific area of development. The focus is on alignment and breath, and a special emphasis on proper technique helps you reconnect and rejuvenate your body.


Individually priced based on requirements.




Workshops run periodically throughout the year at various locations. Each workshop has a key focus in order to deepen students' understanding and practice of yoga. Take a look at my Events page to see what's coming up and like my Facebook page to stay updated on the latest workshops:





Retreat experiences give participants the opportunity to fully switch off and step away from the busy demands of every day life. Enjoy time to reset and reconnect with yourself in a safe and nurturing space. Retreats run at various times throughout the year. Keep an eye out on Ommingbird Yoga's Events page for upcoming retreats. Details are also posted on:


Offering: Classes
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